Sunday, February 8, 2015

     I feel like I am so busy. I feel like I'm always doing something, yet never really accomplishing anything. I'm becoming more and more aware of the amount of time I waste. If I'm not working, I'm sleeping. If I'm not sleeping, I'm out with friends, but my introverted self gets tired of being around others after a while, so the rest of the time, I'm at home on my online scrolling through my endless Tumblr feed, liking funny Facebook posts, catching up with my favorite Youtubers, or sending goofy Snaps on Snapchats back and forth with friends. Its disgusting, really. I can't even count the hours frittered away when I could have been doing things oh so much more worthwhile.
     Well the regret ends here. It's well past time to slow down and unplug. I am a firm believer that you are always capable of making time for what matters most to you. I think the happiest people are the ones who aren't easily distracted; the ones who live in the moment and aren't always scurrying off to the next thing. So I should probably stop scurrying and getting distracted.
     It's time to look up, and live and enjoy the moment I'm in because it's happening now. And its time to make the most of my time! My days are a gift from the Lord and I doubt He's very pleased to see all the days I spent staring at a screen.
     Basically what it comes down to is I am a lazy social media addict who needs to go back outside and look up for change. Instead of yearning to travel to all the breathtaking scenery shots I see on Tumblr and Instagram, I need to just step outside my front door and go on a walk. I may not have a view from a mountain top in New Zealand, but I'll have fresh air filling my lungs, the incredible sky above my head, and God just that much closer.
    It's time to make time for what makes my heart happy. It may be easier to sit back in a chair after being on my feet all day at work and check up on my beloved Instagram, but I'm so much happier if I take time to go on a bike ride. Or read a good book. Or play a board game with my little brother. Or go on a drive and sing my heart out to the radio. Or explore a new area of town and do a tourist-y thing. Or go on a walk and take pictures of all the beautiful things I come across.
     It's time to get off my duff and do some stuff. Bye bye laziness, I want to live!