Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ten Years Time (written 3.27.15)

     In ten years I will be 28 years old. I hope I will have found a dream and am actively pursing that dream. I hope I am happy with where I am in life, and am content with who I am as a person. I hope that my family is in good health. I hope that I'm closer to God than ever before. I hope I have had some incredible experiences resulting in great stories to tell, and I hope I have plans for even more adventures ahead. I hope that my motivation to do my best had only increased and that I enjoy the work that I do. And lastly, I hope I never waste my time.



     I've been climbing a mountain all my life and finally, I'm nearly at the top! From here I can almost see the whole world. It's beautiful, yet scary. It's wonderful, yet intimidating. I see that anything could be mine. I can do anything I want with the rest of my life. The options are endless. The possibilities for my future are countless. The whole world is at my fingertips.  The choice is mine and the clock is ticking away. So what do I choose? I do not know. I could do anything. Achieve my greatest goal, or execute my biggest plan, or chase my craziest dream. This is the beginning of the end and it's time to go. It's time to choose. But I simply don't know. With everything that the world has to offer, how can I not have one goal, one plan, or even one dream?
     I could do anything. But I might end up doing nothing because I just don't know. Will I ever know?


(written 5.23.15)

"I'm not ready"

    That's a horrible excuse for anything.  Ready is for people who trust in themselves. People who want to live safe, small lives.

     Freedom is for the people who trust in the One who made them. People who want to live lives far to big to ever be ready for.

     Don't be free. 

you are my sunshine

Like the sunshine after the storm -
Your smile's breaking through.
Giving me a whisper

Of a promise

Of a start

Of something new. 


sometimes feelings suck

Feelings complicate everything. When you are indifferent, nothing matters and everything stays the same. It's comfortable. It's safe. But if you don't feel, what is the purpose of life? When you start caring deeply about things, everything is either really grand, or really horrible. You can feel joy for a moment, then it's replaced with heartache. Sometimes it's a messy mixture of both. When you feel, life is an endless rollercoaster. It's confusing. It's wonderful. It's hard. But it's life. I have to take the good with the bad, because while life is messy, it's sill beautiful.

the power of words

     I don't swear. I've never said a "bad word" in my life, but I'm afraid that when I go get my wisdom teeth removed, while I'm on all kind of weird drugs, I'll lose control of myself and start cussing out the nurses or something. Anyway, the main reason I don't swear is because I'm a Christian and the Bible clearly speaks out against foul language: "But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth." Colossians 3:8 
I choose not to swear. However many of my friends do, and that's their choice, which is fine. I don't mind that much. But I've made some observations about people when using bad language, and they are as follows:

  • swearing is a tool for whiners and complainers
  • swearing is insulting
  • swearing shows a lack of self control
  • swearing turns discussions into arguments
  • swearing neglects more meaningful words
     Basically, 9 times out of 10, foul language comes hand in hand with a lousy attitude. Granted, this is not always true. Yes, sometimes people swear when they are super excited and glad about something, not only when they're complaining about something. And to be fair, there are certain situations where I think cussing would be appropriate. For instance, if I was an astronaut on the Challenger before it exploded in a fiery inferno, and I knew that was about to happen, I'd probably say, "Oh sh*t."
     However, since swearing has become more widely common and accepted in our culture, I believe the power of that "strong language" has been lessened. Now that foul words are so ingrained in the vocabulary of young people today, those words have lost their effectiveness and most of the shock value.
     Side thought: Cuss words aren't the only kind of "strong language" out there.  ALL words are a powerful tool. The things we say to people have the potential to make a pretty decent impact on them  good or bad. I've been cussed out a few times in my life, usually by someone on the freeway after I accidentally cut another driver off, and of course that doesn't bother me, because I don't know them. I've also had people say awful and rude things about me in an attempt to be funny and make a joke. I didn't laugh, but again the words didn't carry that much weight.
     The most hurtful things that have been said to me, were said by people who I used to think of as friends. By people that I loved. There was no swearing involved, but words were said that hurt me like a knife wound. (Sorry for being dramatic)
     Anyway...I don't really know what point I'm trying to make here...Just whatever your view on swearing is, and what words are and aren't acceptable in what contexts, I don't really care. It's kind of a personal thing, and we live in a country with the freedom of speech. But I do think that it's very, very important that we always choose our words carefully. Use them to encourage, and build people up, rather than tearing them down. Use them to inspire, not to hurt. Be respectful. Everything is just nicer that way.


Thursday, March 26, 2015


Always out of place
Taking up space
Just another forgettable face.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

what motivates you?

     This seems to be a pretty common question in job interviews. Understandably employers want people who are driven to work hard, but before you're able to show them your work ethic, you have to convince them to give you a shot by telling them how you motivate yourself.
     I feel like a pretty good worker. I'm always striving to do better at whatever it is I do. But when I was first asked the question, "what motivates you?" it was actually tough for me to answer...I didn't really know!  I've been thinking about that question a lot lately for some reason. What keeps me going?

     I think one reason is that I was raised with the mentality that if you want something you have to work for it. "You don't get nothin' that you don't earn." I don't want anything handed to me in life. I want to earn it.There's nothing like the feeling of seeing the fruits of your labor and watching all your effort pay off!

   However, there is one thing I will never be able to earn, no matter how hard I try. And that thing is my salvation. There is simply nothing I can do to repay God for what He did for me. The fact is, I am not enough. I will never be enough. I have fallen short of the glory of God and I'm not worthy to be His.

     I could try all my life but it's impossible for me to measure up. I've made too big of a mess of things to be able to clean it up by myself. And if there was something I could do to "make up" for my sin, the sacrifice Jesus made wouldn't have even been necessary in the first place.

     But by His death and resurrection, I am made new; made worthy. He paid my debt, and now, being debt free and free of the guilt of sin, I have incredible value. (pretty awesome) What it comes down to is that lovely old song that says:

"Jesus paid it all.
All to Him I owe."

     So what motivates me each and every day to do my best is the knowledge of what Christ did for me. He died so that I can live. He gave up his life for me, so the least I can do is live for Him!

Monday, March 16, 2015

★ ☽ ★

He had a lovely smile
But it never reached his eyes
Because in his soul there was a sadness
Impossible to hide

He was an imploding star
So beautiful and bright
Destroyed by the thoughts
That kept him up at night.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

     I feel like I am so busy. I feel like I'm always doing something, yet never really accomplishing anything. I'm becoming more and more aware of the amount of time I waste. If I'm not working, I'm sleeping. If I'm not sleeping, I'm out with friends, but my introverted self gets tired of being around others after a while, so the rest of the time, I'm at home on my online scrolling through my endless Tumblr feed, liking funny Facebook posts, catching up with my favorite Youtubers, or sending goofy Snaps on Snapchats back and forth with friends. Its disgusting, really. I can't even count the hours frittered away when I could have been doing things oh so much more worthwhile.
     Well the regret ends here. It's well past time to slow down and unplug. I am a firm believer that you are always capable of making time for what matters most to you. I think the happiest people are the ones who aren't easily distracted; the ones who live in the moment and aren't always scurrying off to the next thing. So I should probably stop scurrying and getting distracted.
     It's time to look up, and live and enjoy the moment I'm in because it's happening now. And its time to make the most of my time! My days are a gift from the Lord and I doubt He's very pleased to see all the days I spent staring at a screen.
     Basically what it comes down to is I am a lazy social media addict who needs to go back outside and look up for change. Instead of yearning to travel to all the breathtaking scenery shots I see on Tumblr and Instagram, I need to just step outside my front door and go on a walk. I may not have a view from a mountain top in New Zealand, but I'll have fresh air filling my lungs, the incredible sky above my head, and God just that much closer.
    It's time to make time for what makes my heart happy. It may be easier to sit back in a chair after being on my feet all day at work and check up on my beloved Instagram, but I'm so much happier if I take time to go on a bike ride. Or read a good book. Or play a board game with my little brother. Or go on a drive and sing my heart out to the radio. Or explore a new area of town and do a tourist-y thing. Or go on a walk and take pictures of all the beautiful things I come across.
     It's time to get off my duff and do some stuff. Bye bye laziness, I want to live!